Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Super Size It!

Not only did we start feedings back up at every three hours, they are now doubled in quantity! We started back on 1 ml every three hours last night and the doctor has already doubled Will's feedings to 2 ml's every three hours. This is such great news!!!

Today was a little shaky with Will's breathing. He dipped up and down a handful of times and rode the ventilator most of the day. Yesterday he had a multitude of blood tests done and one came back positive for infection. The culture came from his ET tube or breathing tube. Pushing room air into his lungs, it is inevitable that an infection could occur. The good news is that he does not have an infection in his blood and his white blood cells are high and his bands are low. As of now, this positive test result has not triggered a course of antibiotics. The doctor wants to see what he can do on his own in regards to fighting it.

Will continues to love to lay on his tummy, which he is allowed to do as they rotate him from tummy to back every three hours. We also are more consistently seeing a "poopie" diaper! I know, I know, this sounds gross... but let me tell you, with a micro preemie as tiny as he is, pooping on his own is great news.

Continue your positive thought and prayers... little Will is thriving because of all of your support!


Glokai said...

Sending you the biggest and most positive vibes my being can muster!

Anonymous said...

Our church is praying for Will, and I'm so grateful to be able to keep up on his progress. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, as you mentioned there is a lot to be grateful for!
